The building block of the sampling distribution is the Standard Error (SE).
Every sample statistic (mean, standard deviation, etc) has a formula. We will only worry about the standard error of the mean, \(SSE_m\).
The formula for the standard error of the mean is simple, in words:
The sample standard error of the mean is the sample standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size
In symbols:
\(SSE_m = \frac{s_x}{\sqrt{n}}\)
R does not have a built-in function to calculate the standard error of the mean.
You should write one of your own!
sse_mean = function(...
You can test it out on the
penguin data:
## [1] 0.1067846
Did you get the same result? If you got a NA instead, you may have had an issue with missing data.
Try out all of the intermediate steps you used in your calculation to make sure they can deal with NA values.
. Specifically, you
should look for how it handles missing data. You’ll need to make sure
your sse_mean
function can deal with missing
function, it may be of use to you
along with the logical not operator !
.We’ve been using R’s formula notation, but I haven’t specifically talked about it
It’s a powerful and expressive way to specify a statistical model. We’ll be making use of it a lot in the rest of the course.
Here’s a nice tutorial you can skim to get the basics
We’ll have plenty of opportunity for more discussion and practice.
In lecture, we’ve discussed a decision criterion in which we set a threshold false-positive rate that we are willing to accept. We then use a test statistic generated from the data to see if our data meet our criterion.
Classical tests return a p-value
The p-value is what we compare against our decision criterion to decide if we can reject the null hypothesis.
Statistical Type 1 errors are also known as false positive errors.
We commit a false positive error when we reject a true null hypothesis. In other words, we commit a false positive error when we conclude that something interesting occurred, when in reality the results we observed were due to chance alone.
Crucially, we can’t know whether or not we’ve commited a Type 1 error,however we can estimate the probability of committing such an error (if we are willing to make some assumptions).
One way to interpret a p-value is:
“How often would I expect to see a result as extreme, or more extreme, if the null hypothesis were true?”
It’s a rephrasing of the definition of a false-positive rate.
In the first t-test below you’ll calculate a p-value for the difference in mean flipper length for two penguin species:
We can interpret that in words as:
“If Adelie and Gentoo penguins did not differ in flipper length (i.e. the null hypothesis were true), and I repeatedly, and randomly, sampled individual ADelie and Gentoo penguins from a population, I would expect to observe a difference in mean flipper length of 5.9mm or greater less than 1 in 1000 experiments.”
Consider the flipper lengths of three species of penguins:
flipper_length_mm ~ species, data = penguins,
ylab = "Flipper length (mm)")
Flipper lengths of the three penguin species
They look different, but how could we back up our visual assessment?
We could use a simple Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to perform a parametric, Frequentist analysis.
We could also do a resampling simulation to estimate how likely the observed differences in flipper length would be if there truly was no difference.
For most of the lab walkthrough, you’ll use a version of the penguins data with one of the species removed:
dat_pen = subset(penguins, species != "Gentoo")
flipper_length_mm ~ species, data = dat_pen,
ylab = "Flipper length (mm)")
Flipper length of Chinstrap and Adelie penguins
Working with factors and factor levels can be frustrating.
to remove unused factor levels
from a data.frame:dat_pen = droplevels(subset(penguins, species != "Gentoo"))
flipper_length_mm ~ species, data = dat_pen,
ylab = "Flipper length (mm)")
Flipper length of Chinstrap and Adelie penguins - fixed
Much better!
Most of the lecture course focuses on inference with parametric distributions.
Resampling methods are also important, especially when some of the parametric inference assumptions are not amenable to your data.
Although resampling methods aren’t parametric in the sense of a linear regression or t-test, they personify the Frequentist ideal of repeated sampling.
What if we randomly shuffled the flipper length data and made another boxplot?
# for reproducibility
flipper_shuffled = sample(
penguins$flipper_length_mm, replace = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
flipper_length_mm ~ species, data = penguins,
ylab = "Flipper length (mm)",
main = "Original Data")
flipper_shuffled ~ penguins$species,
ylab = "Flipper length (mm)",
main = "MonteCarlo Resampled Data",
xlab = "species")
Flipper length: original and resampled data
Note that in the previous resampling, we shuffled the flipper length separately from the species labels. This effectively breaks the structure in the data. By that, I mean it destroys any association between flipper length and the species label. This is exactly the spirit of a Frequentist null hypothesis in which:
The flipper lengths for the penguin species are drawn from the same population of all flipper lengths.
In plain English: There’s no difference in flipper length between the species.
If the resampling process reminds you of picking up acorns or writing a book for the Library of Babel, you’re on the right track!
Monte Carlo resampling breaks up associations, therefore it’s a great way to simulate what would happen if the null hypothesis were true. In other words, it’s a great way to simulate a null distribution.
Another class of resampling methods is bootstrapping. The primary difference between bootstrap and Monte Carlo resampling is that bootstrapping does not destroy the associations in the data. In other words, it samples entire rows of your data. In yet other words, it shuffles rows (with replacement), but does not shuffle the values in columns.
penguins2 = penguins[sample(1:nrow(penguins), replace = T), ]
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
flipper_length_mm ~ species, data = penguins,
ylab = "Flipper length (mm)",
main = "Original Data")
flipper_length_mm ~ species, data = penguins2,
ylab = "Flipper length (mm)",
main = "Bootstrap Data")
Bootstrap resampling does samples entire rows (with replacement).
This usually (but not always) results in data that resembles the
original dataset.
What use is this?
In contrast to MC resampling, bootstrap resampling simulates an alternative hypothesis.
The next lab is all about bootstrapping!
par(mfrow = c(4, 4), mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1))
for (i in 1:16)
flipper_shuffled = sample(
penguins$flipper_length_mm, replace = TRUE)
flipper_shuffled ~ penguins$species,
ann = F, axes = F)
MC Resampled flipper length data
# knitr::include_graphics(rmd.utils::find_file("resampled_penguins.png"))
The two-sample t-test is a great starting point to compare the mean values of two groups:
We’ll cover t-tests in much greater detail in the lecture; for now we will just concern ourselves with the p-value and the calculated difference in group means.
t.test(dat_pen$flipper_length_mm ~ dat_pen$species)
## Welch Two Sample t-test
## data: dat_pen$flipper_length_mm by dat_pen$species
## t = -5.7804, df = 119.68, p-value = 6.049e-08
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Adelie and group Chinstrap is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -7.880530 -3.859244
## sample estimates:
## mean in group Adelie mean in group Chinstrap
## 189.9536 195.8235
You’re going to perform a resampling version of a t-test on penguin flipper length.
We can resample the flipper lengths with replacement using the
# Reset the random number generator state for reproduceablility
flipper_shuffled = sample(dat_pen$flipper_length_mm)
boxplot(flipper_shuffled ~ dat_pen$species)
Shuffled flipper length data
What if we reshuffled the data and re-ran the t-test?
t_test_1 = t.test(flipper_shuffled ~ dat_pen$species)
## Welch Two Sample t-test
## data: flipper_shuffled by dat_pen$species
## t = 1.3204, df = 131.52, p-value = 0.189
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Adelie and group Chinstrap is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -0.6857072 3.4386530
## sample estimates:
## mean in group Adelie mean in group Chinstrap
## 192.1974 190.8209
The t-test output does not support rejecting a null hypothesis that the two flipper lengths are the same between the two species.
The t-test great for comparing the means of two groups. We can see the group means in the t-test output:
t_test = t.test(dat_pen$flipper_length_mm ~ dat_pen$species)
## Welch Two Sample t-test
## data: dat_pen$flipper_length_mm by dat_pen$species
## t = -5.7804, df = 119.68, p-value = 6.049e-08
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Adelie and group Chinstrap is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -7.880530 -3.859244
## sample estimates:
## mean in group Adelie mean in group Chinstrap
## 189.9536 195.8235
## mean in group Adelie mean in group Chinstrap
## 189.9536 195.8235
The difference in means is:
diff_observed = round(diff(t_test$estimate), digits = 3)
print(diff_observed, digits = 3)
## mean in group Chinstrap
## 5.87
We can also calculate the difference in means using the
agg_means = aggregate(
flipper_length_mm ~ species,
data = dat_pen,
FUN = "mean",
na.rm = TRUE)
diff_observed = diff(agg_means[, 2])
## species flipper_length_mm
## 1 Adelie 189.9536
## 2 Chinstrap 195.8235
## [1] 5.869887
We can use the table()
function to show the number of
individuals of each species in the data:
## Adelie Chinstrap
## 152 68
Resampling with replacement is the same thing as randomly sampling 68 flipper lengths in one group and 152 in another.
n_1 = 68
n_2 = 152
dat_1 = sample(dat_pen$flipper_length_mm, n_1, replace = TRUE)
dat_2 = sample(dat_pen$flipper_length_mm, n_2, replace = TRUE)
diff_simulated =
mean(dat_1, na.rm = TRUE) - mean(dat_2, na.rm = TRUE)
What was the difference in means for the resampled data?
print(c(observed = diff_observed, simulated = diff_simulated))
## observed simulated
## 5.869887 -1.334632
I could modify the code I used to resample and wrap it into a function:
x = dat_pen$flipper_length_mm
n_1 = 68
n_2 = 152
dat_1 = sample(x, n_1, replace = TRUE)
dat_2 = sample(x, n_2, replace = TRUE)
diff_simulated =
mean(dat_1, na.rm = TRUE) - mean(dat_2, na.rm = TRUE)
My function might look something like this:
two_group_resample_diff = function(x, n_1, n_2) {...}
Hint: Should your resampling function use sampling with, or without replacement?
Here’s a typical output of my implementation:
two_group_resample_diff(dat_pen$flipper_length_mm, 68, 152)
## [1] 2.123452
If I ran this function many times, how often would I see a mean
difference greater than diff_observed
I’ll try it 200 times:
n = 200
mean_differences = c()
for (i in 1:n)
mean_differences = c(
two_group_resample_diff(dat_pen$flipper_length_mm, 68, 152)
sum(abs(mean_differences) >= diff_observed)
## [1] 0
I didn’t see any differences as extreme as what was in the real data. You should try to re-run the code with 2000 simulations to see if you observe any differences greater than 5.8.
We’ve used the dollar sign to retrieve subsets of data.frames.
It can also be useful with different types of objects.
We saved the t-test output to an object:
t_test = t.test(flipper_shuffled ~ dat_pen$species)
Then we can use str()
to examine what the object
## List of 10
## $ statistic : Named num 1.32
## ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "t"
## $ parameter : Named num 132
## ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "df"
## $ p.value : num 0.189
## $ : num [1:2] -0.686 3.439
## ..- attr(*, "conf.level")= num 0.95
## $ estimate : Named num [1:2] 192 191
## ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2] "mean in group Adelie" "mean in group Chinstrap"
## $ null.value : Named num 0
## ..- attr(*, "names")= chr "difference in means between group Adelie and group Chinstrap"
## $ stderr : num 1.04
## $ alternative: chr "two.sided"
## $ method : chr "Welch Two Sample t-test"
## $ : chr "flipper_shuffled by dat_pen$species"
## - attr(*, "class")= chr "htest"
There’s an item called estimate
. We can access elements
of most objects with the dollar sign:
## mean in group Adelie mean in group Chinstrap
## 192.1974 190.8209
This method doesn’t work for all objects in R, but it is often
helpful to use the str()
function to see what an object
contains and the dollar sign to retrieve items of interest.
The structure of objects in R is complicated, but if you are interested here are a couple of resources
Recall your
function. Your function should accept a single numeric vector and return a numeric value:
# Function template
sse_mean = function(x)
# ... your code here ...
You can compare your results to these to make sure that your standard error function is working correctly:
## [1] 43.36473
## [1] 1.065424
function. Include the following line before
your function definition:rm(list = ls())
and the following two test lines after your function:
function should accept three arguments:
: A numeric vectorn_1
: The number of values (with replacement) to take
from x
for the first group.n_2
: The number of values (with replacement) to take
from x
for the second group.Your function should return:
two_group_resample_diff = function(x, n_1, n_2)
# ... your code here ...
Hint: Check out the help entry for mean()
. How does it
handle NA
Your resampling function should ignore NA values.
function.Use your two_group_resample_diff()
function along with a
loop to generate 2000 resampled differences of means for flipper length
between the two penguin species (Adelie and Chinstrap).
HINT: Since this is a 2-sided test, you’ll have to consider the sign of the differences of means.
function may be your friend here.Recall this interpretation of a Frequentist p-value:
How often would I expect to see a result as extreme, or more extreme, if the null hypothesis were true?
The p-value from the t-test for the difference in mean flipper length was very, very small:
That’s less than once in 10 million!
, grouped by species.aggregate()
to calculate the group means and the
difference in means.diff_crit
Compile your answers into a pdf document and submit via Moodle.